French Social Security: THE answers
There has been much comment and confusion over recent changes to French Social Security payments for seafarers, specifically the Decret 2017-307 of the 9th March 2017. In light of this, GEPY, PYA and IYM are hosting a tri-association seminar in which a panel of experts will address the many unanswered questions that the yachting industry have on the subject.
This will be the first time that representatives from the French government have liaised with our sector in this way, so the answers relayed at this seminar will be directly 'from the horse's mouth'.
BachmannHR Group will be attending this seminar in Monaco on the 17th May to ensure that we are as up to date as possible on the subject. If you have any particular questions or concerns regarding this, please get in touch with us and we would be happy to put these forward for you and revert back.
To find out more about the event or to get a ticket, please follow the link below: